Spotlight: Marko Fojtlin and His Travel Guide Project
Today we will present you with a spotlight that was complete more than a year ago. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, and considering the website’s topic, we decided to postpone the publication until traveling is again widely available. Now that most countries are allowing border crossing and tourism, it’s a good time to introduce you to an exciting website started by our customer Marko Fojtlin – a Grand Prize Winner in the 2019 Customer Spotlight Contest.
The Interview with Marko Fojtlin
FastComet: Hello Marko, great to have you! Could you start with a quick introduction?
Marko Fojtlin: Hello, I consider myself as a young professional, working full-time in the IT industry for a bank. In my free time, I’m trying to fulfill my passion and do what I like most – small entrepreneurship and bringing new ideas to make people happy. That’s my current way of living and also my long-term goal. Working on my projects, fulfilling my passion while being independent and helping the world and others by doing that. For the last two years, I have put all of my free time in one of my ideas, and its first version is live since last July. Now I’m finishing some improvements and re-designing the final version to help travelers around the world.
FastComet: What is Dondoo all about?
Marko Fojtlin: Simple. What NOT to do in destinations around the world. After you check your destination via the website, you won’t feel awkward anymore when abroad. You will share a good time with the locals, and you’ll never fail in any social situation or cause a cultural faux-pas.

FastComet: What challenges did you face in building the website?
Marko Fojtlin: Technology and time challenges. The general issue was that I knew exactly what I need, but I was not able to do it all by myself in a reasonable time. I was not sure about what technology to use for the front end/back end. Which is why I’ve asked one of my good friends to help, and he’s now helping me with the implementation – mainly the front end. Usually, I explain to him what is the desired outcome, and we work on that together. Another challenge was the hosting and extra services as the website’s target was the global market. So, looking for possible future activities FastComet with its functions was the only way to go.
FastComet: What does a typical day in your life look like?
Marko Fojtlin: I spend 8.5 hours at work, then practice some sports to reset my mind and in the evenings focus entirely on my project. Of course, I think about my projects at work, but I can’t do much there apart from writing down ideas and handle a few emails via my phone. That’s only over the winter. During the Summer I can’t work all the time. I love to be outside and enjoy life when the weather is sweet. So, I try to finish everything over the winter and leave maintenance, new ideas gathering, and improvements for the Summer. Wish I could have Summer all year long and all my life.
FastComet: What is you end goal with this project?
Marko Fojtlin: My primary audience is regular travelers, business travelers, and also locals worldwide. Basically, all good people who care about the impression they leave and who respect other cultures. The goal is to go as local as possible. Once I release the improved version of the website (soon), I will have marketing activities across all relevant and potential industries in both traditional and digitalized way.

FastComet: How were you introduced to FastComet? What made you chose us as a hosting partner? How has this decision transformed your business?
Marko Fojtlin: I’ve done in-depth research of the available hosting services, and FastComet was the only winner, considering the prospects, stability, and my vision.
FastComet: What’s been the most exciting part of the journey so far?
Marko Fojtlin: Verifying the website content in real situations with local people and discovering that it’s right and makes sense.

FastComet: Generally, what do you look for in a web host? What were your hosting challenges before moving to FastComet?
Marko Fojtlin: I look for stability, future proof technology, always taking care of the customer, and flexible following of new trends. In FastComet, I find everything I need, and that’s the key for me, including superior customer support.
FastComet: Have we lived up to your expectations? What do you think of the quality of the services we offer?
Marko Fojtlin: So far, everything is great! Maybe, I will choose a higher plan than currently required, because I plan to expand my website a bit soon.

FastComet: Why did you think we should spotlight your site?
Marko Fojtlin: It’s a great and super simple idea, which has a massive impact on human behavior and decisions. Imagine you go to sign a deal to Japan, they take you for lunch, and you fail the basic etiquette causing issues to the stakeholders. Do you think you’re going to sign the deal? In comparison, after checking my website, everything will go smoothly. And this is only one example of its usage.

FastComet: Lastly, If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?
Marko Fojtlin: Just start. Every day do a small piece of the puzzle, it does make a difference, and it won’t come all at once anyway.
Share Your Story with FastComet?
We want to thank Marko for her participation in this spotlight and patience on publishing it in the correct time considering the world events affecting us all. If you would like to tell the story behind your project and how FastComet assisted you in realizing it, please let us know.
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