How to Manage Advertisements in SocialEngine

Updated on Dec 22, 2015

This tutorial will provide more information on how to manage the advertisements on your SocialEngine website. Most of the time, we aim to get some kind of income from our projects. SocialEngine allows the creation of different advertisement campaigns and they are well-developed to allow the user many options.


You need to log into the administrative area of your SocialEngine installation to complete the tasks that we will review below.


The advertisement management in SocialEngine includes:

Step 1 Create Campaign

To create a new advertisement, you need to locate the Ads option on the top menu and then Create New Campaign.


Access campaign menu in SocialEngine


Edit the following options:


  • Campaign Name - Enter a name for the new campaign
  • Start Date - Enter a start date for the new campaign
  • End Date - Enter end date for the new campaign or set it as continuous campaign
  • Total Views Allowed - Set the total number of views. When this number is reached, the campaign will automatically end. Set to 0 for unlimited
  • Total Clicks Allowed - Set the total number of clicks for the new campaign. When this number is reached, the campaign will end automatically. Set to 0 for unlimited
  • Member Levels - Choose the member levels that will be targeted with the new campaign
  • Networks - Set the networks that will be targeted with the new campaign


Create a new advertising campaign in SocialEngine


Step 2 Create advertisement

Once you create your campaign, it is time to add the actual advertisement/s in it. To create new ads to your campaign, you need to navigate to the Ads option on the main menu and then Manage Ad Campaigns.


Access the ads management menu in SocialEngine


You will notice an Options tab next to each of your campaigns. Click on the Manage option to proceed further with the configuration of the campaign.


Manage existing ads in SocialEngine


To create a new ad, you need to click on the Add New Advertisement button.


Create a new advertisement in SocialEngine


Edit the following options:


  • Advertisement Name - Enter the name of the new ad
  • Advertisement Media - Enter the actual media type
  • Ad Banner: Depending on the option above, you will have to upload your banner or enter the HTML code for it


Edit advertisement details in SocialEngine

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