Updated on Mar 13, 2019
Found X links from other sites - The amount of backlinks in other websites that lead to the domain of the audited page.
Found X links from unique domains - The amount of backlinks from unique websites that open the domain of the audited page.
Add a link from the DMOZ Directory - This will show a link on dmoz.org that lead to your website if such is available.
MozTrust Domain Score - Shows how trustworthy are the links that point to your domain.
MozRank Domain Score - Gives and estimate on how important your domain is by analising the amount and quality of pages linking to it.
Moz Domain Authority - Similar to the Moz Page Authority, this will estimate the performance in search engines (1-100 scale), but this time it will take into account your entire website instead of an individual page.
Number of pages indexed by Google - The more quality content you have on your website the more you will increase your search engine rankings.