Updated on Dec 10, 2015
Many of the products over the web these days, such as movies, images, games, e-books are provided in a digital copy formats allowing you to download the product after you pay for it. These types of products are called Downloadable Products and PrestaShop allows the use of such products in your Store.
Since this is a product, you will need to add a product to your Store. If you are not quite sure that you are well aware how this process goes you can check our tutorial How to add products to your store in PrestaShop.
In order to add a product you should go to your Store's admin backend → Catalog → Products where all of the products are listed and where you have the option to add a new products.
By pressing the Add new you will be able to bring the product adding interface where you will be able to add a Downloadable product. PrestaShop categorizes the Downloadable Products as Virtual Products.
In order for a product to become a virtual one you will need to select a different from the default product type - Virtual Product. This can be easily done via the Virtual Product radio button under the Type product option. Once you click on the Virtual Product radio button you will be moved to directly to the Virtual Product tab from the left tab list of product options.
On this table you will need to configure few fields in order for the product to be properly created. Of course all other product tabs should be also properly filled in order for the product to be successfully created.
Once all of these fields are properly filled you should be able to save the product by pressing the Save button from the top action bar so your product can be saved.
As soon as the product is properly added you will be able to see it in the product list presented in the table view located at the home page of your products. Congratulations! You have successfully created your first downloadable Product!