Pagekit is an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) project founded by YOOtheme. Considering the modern technologies under the hood of the application like the Vue.js JavaScript framework and the Symfony Components on which Pagekit's modular architecture is build, it is not surprising to see the project trending in the PHP section of GitHub.
The HTML & Markdown editor provides a great writing while inserting media through the file manager is seamless. The easy to use interface and simple drag and drop feature makes it very tempting for newcomers to try.
In addition, Pagekit needs the following PHP extensions to be enabled: JSON, Session, ctype, Tokenizer, SimpleXML, DOM, mbstring, PCRE 8.0+, ZIP and PDO with MySQL or SQLite drivers.
Although it is optional, we strongly recommend enabling the following PHP extensions: cURL, iconv and XML Parser, as well as APC or XCache for caching.
Our Pagekit Hosting is fully compatible with the system requirements of Pagekit. Furthermore, our servers are running entirely on SSD for the best Pagekit experience.