Enabling Facebook Connect

Updated on Dec 10, 2015

In this tutorial, we will show you how to integrate your Oxwall website with Facebook by adding a Facebook SDK to your project.


To enable Facebook Connect in your Oxwall, you will need to:


Step 1 Facebook App creations

The first thing you must do in order to make the Facebook connect is to create an app using Facebook development page. Login and click on My Apps>Become a developer. Once you have been submitted as a developer, click on My Apps>Add a New App and select the website icon.


Adding a New App as a Facebook Developer


On the pop up window you will need to click Skip and Create App ID to proceed.


Creating an App ID


Name your new application, choose a category and click on the Create App ID button.


Choosing an App name and Category


Once your application has been created and assigned an App ID and App Secret you will need to choose a platform for it.


Choosing a Platform for the Facebook App


Again select website as a platform and scroll down to the empty field where you should input your website’s URL.


Filling out the Oxwall website URL for the App


You will also be able to test the settings by adding a like button. Copy the code snippet:








to your home page’s html’s body and reload the page.


Now go to the Settings section of your Application and add the App Domain and a Contact email. Click the Save Changes button to save and apply the change.


Adding a Contact Email and App Domain in the configuration of the app


You will need to enable the application for public viewing. You can do that by going to the Status and Review section of your application.


Publishing the App


Step 2 Oxwall Configuration

Login to your Oxwall admin dashboard and navigate to the Plugin section. IF you haven’t already installed the Facebook Connect plugin it will be in the Available Plugins submenu. Once you have installed the plugin you will be able to go into its settings.


Accessing the Settings of the Facebook Connect Plugin


Now you will only need to copy the App ID and App Secret to the appropriate fields. (You must click Show and then copy the App Secret. Copying the encrypted version will not work)


Filling out the App ID and App Secret in Oxwall


Click the Save button to complete the process. Your users will be able to now login using their Facebook account.


The newly created facebook button for login


You can further edit the application by clicking on the Edit your Facebook Application link.

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