Updated on Dec 10, 2015
When it comes to website development using osCommerce, most of your work will be handled via the administrative area of your website. Still, there are certain tasks that may require editing of the main configuration file of osCommerce. We will review how to locate and edit the file so you can take advantage of that.
First and foremost, you will have to locate the directory, where your osCommerce website is installed. If you are accessing it directly via the primary domain of your account, this indicates that the location of your website is the public_html/ directory of your account. However, this may differ if you are using a subfolder or subdomain.
In osCommerce, there are two main configuration files that you need to be aware of. One is for your website's front end and one for the administrative area. Access the directory of your website on the server and navigate to the following two files:
includes/configure.php admin/includes/configure.php
Both files contain similar information, such as the details for the database used on your website.
define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'oscom_osc'); define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'p4ssw0rd'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'oscom_osc');
Also, the file contains information about the location of your store on the server, as well as the domain name assigned to it:
define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://oscom.fcomet.com'); define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://oscom.fcomet.com'); define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home/oscom/public_html/');