Updated on May 10, 2023
In case you already own the perfect domain name, but you’re not entirely happy with the domain registrar related to Namecheap - you don’t have to worry! Simply go ahead and transfer that domain to another registrar quickly and hassle-free. The best thing when you do that is that when you transfer your domain name over to FastComet, you will have the power to manage all your domain settings and billing from your FastComet account. You will have everything in one place. What’s more, you can use your domain name as a Private DNS or even set it up with Google Apps. Additionally, we will send you an email to notify you when the domain name is close to its expiration date. This way, you will avoid any website downtime.
At FastComet, we make it extremely easy to transfer a domain that you have registered with Namecheap. Let us guide you through each step with simple instructions.
Before we go on with the domain transfer, keep in mind that when transferring a domain name away, the nameservers associated with that domain stay the same during the transfer from one registrar to another. For example: when your domain name is using the default Namecheap nameservers, they will be preserved during the domain transfer. Therefore, you won’t have the option to change your domain’s nameservers until the transfer is complete.
Thus, in case you’ve switched to another web hosting provider, and you have already migrated your website, you must ensure that your domain name is pointed to the proper nameservers before you start the domain transfer. Again — you WON’T be able to change the domain’s nameservers until the transfer is finished.
Please note that Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting are separate services. The domain name transfer completion will not migrate your website automatically. If you are a FastComet customer and you want to transfer your website from Namecheap, feel free to submit a migration request from your client area. Our transfer experts will then move your existing websites and emails free of charge, as swiftly as possible, and with no downtime.
Special Offer:
Once the domain name transfer is completed, you can take advantage of our special offer. We will renew your domain for one year free of charge.
The details listed in this article are only in regard to transferring your domain’s registration to another registrar. The transferring of the hosting for your website is a completely different process. You can read more about that process in the following article: How to transfer your website to FastComet.
For more information on that matter, you can check our tutorial on domain transfer requirements.
Prior to attempting to transfer a domain away from Namecheap, you need to complete the following steps.
When initiating a domain transfer from Namecheap to FastComet, follow the steps below:
The Registrant email address is assigned to your domain and is not necessarily the same as your account email address. It is the email address you used when purchasing the domain.
There you will also be prompted to enter the reason for transferring the domain name out.
After the transfer at the new registrar is initiated and the auth code is provided, the transfer will be initiated at the Registry level. Namecheap has 5 days to release your domain(s) as per ICANN Transfer policy.
Start by choosing one of our hosting plans. You can check our price list on your own, but it would be best if you contact one of FastComet’s Customer Care specialists via LiveChat. They will help you pick the most appropriate plan for your online project.
If you already have an existing website that you plan to move over, check the correct steps to transfer both your Domain Name and Website to Avoid Downtime.
Choosing "I already Have a domain does not initiate the domain transfer. You have to do that separately, as we explain further below in the post.
The transfer needs time to process. As your previous provider (Namecheap) should release the domain to FastComet, it’s best that you point your domain to the FastComet nameservers or via A record to the IP address provided to you in your Welcome email so that you can start working on your website.
Be sure that you have updated your name servers before the transfer begins so that your domain will be working as soon as possible.
When you make changes to your DNS, please allow up to 72 hours for propagation after making the change. We recommend performing no changes on your website during that time, as once the propagation is over, they may not be saved on the new server.
As you may have already seen while purchasing your FastComet hosting plan, we offer domain transfer services to all existing customers. After transferring your domain to FastComet, you get access to our user-friendly domain management interface, and you can take full control of your domain.
To start the transfer process for your domain name, please ensure that you have access to your domain administrative email address. In case you no longer have access to that email address, you may request to have that email changed by your current domain registrar.
When you have done everything in this post up until now, and you are sure that all requirements are met, continue with the following steps:
If you don’t find your extension on the list, contact our technical support for further information. You can do that by submitting a new support ticket.
After changing your domain name servers, the new ones will be set after the domain transfer is complete. Your domain will not be modified by our registrar during the transfer.
Domain transfers can take 5 - 7 days to complete. You may contact us at any time to inquire about your transfer status.
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