Our constant dedication delivering at your fingertips the latest and most stable PHP versions and other features as soon as we can, after rigorously testing it throughout our hosting environment goes without saying.…
Here at FastComet, the constant stability, security, and speed of your websites are at utmost importance for us, as they are for you. We thoroughly believe that keeping your software updated is a good idea for a lot of reasons.…
WordPress is primarily written on the scripting language PHP and it’s undoubtedly one of the parts that have the highest impact on all WordPress sites in existence. Major parts of not only the back but also the front end of your WordPress interface and page exist because of PHP.…
The most used scripting language is PHP. It’s rapidly evolving and after more than ten years without a significant upgrade to it, the scripting language introduced it’s 7.0 version. PHP 7 made a debut at the end of 2015.…
The wait is finally over! Version 5.5 of Laravel is now officially out and as expected the Laravel community is super excited about the new features of the new version. …
Everyone loves saving time when possible. That goes especially for the likes of web developers. Well, using Composer on shared hosting gives you just that. You save a lot of time while doing exactly what you need when managing your web applications via this exceptional tool.…
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