Our constant dedication delivering at your fingertips the latest and most stable PHP versions and other features as soon as we can, after rigorously testing it throughout our hosting environment goes without saying.…
Here at FastComet, the constant stability, security, and speed of your websites are at utmost importance for us, as they are for you. We thoroughly believe that keeping your software updated is a good idea for a lot of reasons.…
WordPress is primarily written on the scripting language PHP and it’s undoubtedly one of the parts that have the highest impact on all WordPress sites in existence. Major parts of not only the back but also the front end of your WordPress interface and page exist because of PHP.…
Do you have a website? Has it ever been compromised? Statistics show that in the average lifespan of a site, at some point, it would inevitably be breached in one form or another.…
If by some chance you have missed it out – the officially scheduled release date for WordPress 5.0 was matched today, December 6th, on the eve of WordCamp US. The release is named after the pioneering Cuban jazz musician Bebo Valdés.…
WooCommerce already powers more than 25% of the online stores worldwide. When we consider that it started as a plugin back in 2011, this is a number that shows an amazing achievement from WooCommerce.…
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Get your bags ready and shopping mood on because it’s time for a FastComet Frenzy with tons of Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts, exclusive deals, and offers you simply can’t let pass you by!…
Wrapping things up in our October’s Cybersecurity blog post series, as the saying goes we have left the “best” for last. Out of all attack types outthere, phishing is considered to be one of the easiest, and thus one of the most widespread types of fraudulent activity, bridging the gap between an actual hacking attempt and a simple scam.…
One of the great things about WordPress is that even if you do not know how to develop and add certain new functionality for your website, someone somewhere has already probably made a plugin that covers the exact thing you want to achieve.…
The most used scripting language is PHP. It’s rapidly evolving and after more than ten years without a significant upgrade to it, the scripting language introduced it’s 7.0 version. PHP 7 made a debut at the end of 2015.…
As a natural continuation to our October’s Cybersecurity thematic series, this post’s goal is to highlight all types of firewalls in existence, for both network appliance and server security management, along with their additional individual tricks of the trade.…
Cybersecurity until recently has been a very underground topic. Most people took it for granted, but as we see a rise in website production, many are starting to realize it is something we should consider before banging our chests impenetrable.…