JavaScript isn’t just for making websites appear more attractive. It also has a direct impact on the site’s performance and success. It’s critical now more than ever to make sure that your website loads quickly because Google has long since stated that page speed is a key ranking factor for SEO for both desktop and mobile devices.…
Data analysis and eCommerce Websites and apps must deal with massive amounts of complicated data, which necessitates efficient processing and display interfaces. The ideal framework for designing such interfaces is Vue.js.…
We all feel as though summer has suddenly arrived and we must immediately get on with all the things we’ve been planning to do during the long, chilly winter months. Now, let’s slow down a little bit — take some time to think about what you really want to do.…
Web Quality Assurance (QA) checking refers to a process of ensuring that everything on your website is set up and working as expected – from internal links and code standards to legal licensing.…
After years of exciting and memorable stints with cPanel Paper Lantern interface, it’s time to say goodbye to our beloved cPanel theme. As a modern web hosting provider, our aim is and always will be customer satisfaction.…
You’ve learned the fundamentals of React and have a firm grasp of JavaScript? You’re thinking of taking it up a level, now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals? But how? After learning the principles of the React library and reaching the intermediate stage of experience, many React newbies run into this issue.…
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As a website owner, one of the most crucial things you look for is speed. High MySQL performance is critical for any database-driven website, and it may make a significant difference when it comes to website performance.…
As you may be aware, we at FastComet have assembled a team of professionals capable of casting a shadow over even the Avengers. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Pavy, one of our team members who work as part of our exceptional service reps that assist you and your project on a daily basis.…
WordPress needs no introduction to anyone who is even remotely active on the internet. WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS), with more than a third of all websites using it.…
WordPress 6.0 is here, as always, right on schedule — May 24th, 2022. The name is “Arturo” after Latin jazz musician and director Arturo O’Farrill, who has 15 albums to his credit.…
The global epidemic has radically altered the way students around the world learn, resulting in unique online education. Online learning is now used at all levels of education and in everyday life.…
It’s difficult to keep up with the shifting JS ecosystem when new JavaScript frameworks and libraries are released every year. React and Next.js, however, are among the most popular front-end web development tools, even considering the current sea of JavaScript frameworks and libraries.…